Portrait of a Bethany Christian School Graduate

Middle School

A BCS graduate is one who strives to walk in the wisdom of God and not man. They work to be filled daily with knowledge in every academic discipline. They analyze and rightly discern truth from error by the daily practice of renewing their minds through the reading of God’s Word.

A BCS graduate lives out their faith by humbling themselves, serving, and putting the needs of others above their own. 


  • Excellence in academics

    • Dedication to academic success as defined by: Completing assignments with a focus on content mastery and the development of consistent and effective study habits

    • Supercedes the basic requirements of an assignment

    • Reading of classical literature

  • Filling the mind with content that promotes God’s truth which leads to the development of a comprehensive, fully formed biblical worldview

    • The development of biblical discernment in all subject matter through Bible memorization, the reading of Christian biographies, and biblical texts

  • The application of academic excellence and biblical discernment to live a life of Godly wisdom


  • Lives a life of courage in full commitment to God and His kingdom

    • Abstains and flees from evil

  • Devoted to spiritual disciplines (prayer, fellowship, reading and studying the Word, etc.)

  • Bears biblical fruit that reflects the character of Christ

  • Demonstrates a heart of praise and worship

    • Singing in chapel, prayer, reading God’s word, doing all things as unto the Lord, speaking words of life, etc.

  • A commitment to a Philippians 2 selflessness and putting the needs of others above one’s own

  • Does all things out of a heart abounding in God’s love

  • Enthusiastic and God-honoring participation in extracurricular activities

    • Sports, music, drama, and/or art


  • Participates in and seeks out service opportunities and is a good Samaritan

  • Boldly sets an example of Christ-like servant leadership to others

  • Actively influences other students to make good decisions

  • Embodies good sportsmanship and a humble spirit in both winning and losing

  • Displays good stewardship in the use of facilities and resources

    • Stays behind to make sure things are cleaned up and put in their proper places (first one there; last one to leave)