Bethany Christian School honored area veterans with a special Veteran’s Day Chapel on Thursday, November 10. Local veterans, including relatives of Bethany Christian School students, were celebrated. The Bethany Lions Choir performed several numbers including the national anthem, Tribute to the U.S. Armed Forces, and God Bless America. Blair High School JROTC presented the colors. Head of School John Hawes gave a history of Veteran’s Day and explained the importance of honoring those who served. Bethany’s 8th graders recited In Flanders Field and everyone was given a buddy poppy to commemorate our veterans. The event concluded with a prayer for veterans followed by a reception line in which students, staff, teachers and parents could greet the veterans and thank them for their service. The veterans were each given a special commemorative medal and then were served coffee and treats.

Veteran's Day Chapel 2022
November 10, 2022