Congratulations to our 2024-25 House Captains and Co-Captains! Students learn to lead and how to be effective supporters of those who are leading them through the BCS House System. All students from preschool through middle school are placed in one of four houses: Aequitas, Integritas, Fidelitas, and Veritas. Each house is lead by a Middle School Captain and Co-Captain that meet weekly to plan and lead school activities and outreach opportunities.
1 day ago, Bethany Christian School
What a joy to welcome our new and returning BCS families back on campus! We had a great first day of school! #firstdayofschool2024 #backtoschool2024 #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
28 days ago, Bethany Christian School
What a fantastic Convocation to open our 24-25 school year! Families met teachers, prayed over their students and enjoyed a picnic dinner together! #backtoschool2425 #convocation #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
about 1 month ago, Bethany Christian School
What a fantastic Convocation to open our 24-25 school year! Families met teachers, prayed over their students and enjoyed a picnic dinner together! #backtoschool2425 #convocation #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
about 1 month ago, Bethany Christian School
What a fantastic Convocation to open our 24-25 school year! Families met teachers, prayed over their students and enjoyed a picnic dinner together! #backtoschool2425 #convocation #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
about 1 month ago, Bethany Christian School
Mr. Hawes, Leo the BCS Lion, and all the faculty and staff are excited to welcome you back on campus next week. See you at Convocation Sunday night and the first day of school on Wednesday! #newschoolyear #convocation #firstdayofschool #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
about 1 month ago, Bethany Christian School
We have been having a great time at Summer Enrichment! Week 6 just wrapped up. Students learned strategies of board games and invented their own games. Next week is the last week of Summer Enrichment, but it's not too late to sign up! #summerenrichment #gamestrategy #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
2 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Week One (Zoology Week) at summer enrichment was a blast! Students got to work on habitats, build animals structures and go to the zoo. Week Two (Crafting) here we come! We still have space so come on in and sign up. #summerenrichment #zoology #lazoo #animals #friends #summer2024 #bethanychristianschool
3 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are so proud of you and pray God's blessings on you as you begin high school! #graduation #8thgradegraduation #highschoolersnow #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
We had beautiful weather for Field Day 2024 and the students had so much fun! #fieldday2024 #sports #fun #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Our talent show was a big hit with a huge variety of talent. This year's show included singing, dancing, playing instruments, telling jokes, making paper airplanes, doing martial arts and reciting all the Pokemon names in under two minutes! #talentshow #talentedstudents #bethanychristianschool
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Today was 5th Grade Promotion! Congratulations to all our 5th grade graduates who are now officially middle schoolers! #5thgradepromotion #middleschool #bethanychristianschool
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Our 4th grader worked hard on their California Living History Museum. Each student research a famous place or person from California, made a poster and gave a speech to their guests. Well done, students! #californiahistory #livinghistorymuseum #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
We honored our 8th grade graduating class this past weekend with an elegant, celebratory banquet. We are so proud of you all and are looking forward to graduation next week! #8thgradebanquet #8thgradegraduation #soontobehighschoolers #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Our 4th graders had a fantastic time at Gold Rush Camp last week! #goldrush #livinghistory #californiahistory #bethanychristianschool
4 months ago, Bethany Christian School
What a fun, joy-filled elementary musical last night! "Joy Ride" lived up to it's name.
Great job, students and Mr. Northrup! #joyride #elementarymusical #musicaltheater #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
5 months ago, Bethany Christian School
We had a fantastic Liberty Tea last week! Our 5th grade students performed speeches, played games and did dancing from the American Colonial era as well as enjoying a tea with their parents and guests. #livinghistory #colonialamerica #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
5 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Lots of excitement on campus this week with our All School Spelling Bee! Do you remember your first spelling bee? #spellingbee #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
5 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Register now for summer fun at Bethany Christian School! We have weekly themed activities led by our Bethany team and it is open to both BCS and non-BCS students. Bring your friends and join in the fun! #summercamp #summerfun #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre
5 months ago, Bethany Christian School
Happy Easter from Bethany Christian School! The Lord is risen; the Lord is risen indeed! #easter2024 #bethanychristianschool #sierramadre